Page name: The Story of Lienae [Logged in view] [RSS]
2005-10-10 19:38:24
Last author: aellie
Owner: Windstar
# of watchers: 9
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This is where you actually roleplay. There is no need to create page breaks-this is to be a continuous story, and pagebreaks will only occur at scene changes. I will supply background and play the minor characters. If you see a previously minor character that you would like to use, send me a message and I will create a profile for you. However, once I do, you will have to apply just like anyone else, since it is a character I created.

Remember to write your part in story format, keep in character, use past tense and proper grammar. If I see something wrong, I will fix it, then send you a message saying that I did(if it's a biggie).

Do not power play. You are not invincible. If I see you power playing or someone complains about you trying to play their character, I will either kill you off or change passwords and put the character up for application once more. Note: occasionally someone other than me will be given permission to take control of some NPC characters. If this happens, only they and I can play those characters. If you do not have permission to use an NPC character, ait around for me or [Avoral] to respond, or message me or him with your ideas. This is not meant to be overly restrictive, it is meant to prevent severe plot problems. Also, if I see someone heading too far away from the plotline, I will message them and tell them, and give a few suggestions that should get you back in the mainline of the story.

Have fun!!!

As the construct entered the evil temple with the skull, Mirala focused her attention on it. The temple was one of the very few still dedicated to her in Lienae. Laughing with delight when she saw what it carried, she created a physical form and appeared before it. "Now what message might he have for me, my dear?" she said as she took the skull. A smile spread across her face. Two, eh? And one that could use magic? Her servant had done well. She raised one delicate hand, and a scroll appeared to settle gently in it. "Take this to my servant. You know which one. It is time he put his tools to use."

After a long period of travelling, the group of kidnappers and captives reached a clearing. They began to set up camp and tied Arin and Karen to a tree. Karen was still knocked out and her companion was still spitting fire. The whole time of being dragged to that very spot she lashed out with her legs whenever she could. For some odd reason, the men never tied her legs, which would have solved the problem.
Arin felt great satesfaction when she noticed the look of annoyance on her captors face.

  "...your mom probably hated you! I bet you are more stupid than the rock over there!" She indicated which brainless rock she was talking about by moving her head in that direction. "I bet you act all tough 'cause you're scared! So scared you have to put a stupid little protective shield to stop me! I bet you're ready to piss your pants!"

The human swordsman she had tackled hours ago walked over and slapped her across the face. He obviously still held a grudge. "Listen girl, just becausethe Mistress wants you alive, doesn't mean you can't be roughed up. If you want to avoid pain, keep your big mouth shut, or, by the Dark Stone, I'll hit you so hard you want be able to stop puking for a week."

"Tarek, you know better. The Mistress wants her intact, not just alive. There are plenty of ways to cause pain without damage." The dark elf walked over. "Now little spitfire, understand this. Normally I enjoy listening to your streams of insults. However, if the men get much more mutinous I'll have a hard time preventing them from killing you, and you have been steadily dropping in creativity for the last hour. So shut up or you get to deal with me. Got it?" He gave her a cruel smile.

Arin glared at the man, but resisted saying anything back; that slap hurt more than she wanted it to. If only she could just get out of these ropes. They were pretty tight, but still had loose spots. Unfortunatly, this didn't change a thing for Arin; her breasts were in the way. She growled, at both the man and her gender.

Tarek started forward, fist raised, but the dark elf blocked him. "That's a good little spitfire. See, you can behave when it's in your interest."

Arin barely resisted the incredible urge to spit in his face and instead turned her head to the side with a 'hmph'.

The dark elf flashed her a smile and turned to Tarek. "Remember, no bruises." He turned and went to the campfire, leaving Tarek as her guard.

Eleni stumbled through the brush and fell to her knees. Without her magic, she found herself unable to find a way to help her friends. Getting up, she noticed a small light coming from a clearing ahead. As though the light was calling to her, she heard Arin's voice yelling.

""...your mom probably hated you! I bet you are more stupid than the rock over there!" Eleni had snuck up near enough to see that she was behind the rock in which Arin was indicating. The human Arin had attacked earlier stepped forward quickly and slapped her. Eleni turned away and decided to go around to another spot. Staying in one place too long would have made it easy for any of the soldiers to find her. She quickly went to her left and pulled herself up into a tree.

"Tarek, you know better. The Mistress wants her intact, not just alive. There are plenty of ways to cause pain without damage." The dark elf Eleni knew she knew said to the swordsman. Eleni almost felt bad for Arin; she sat there struggling with the ropes that bound her, but her breasts were too large and got in the way. Eleni wouldn't have had that kind of trouble, but then again, she'd been trained well and had been through difficult things like this enough to know what to do. Suddenly, the branch she was on broke and she fell to the ground after the dark elf said "Remember, no bruises.". She wasn't sure the thump had been heard, but the broken branch was easily heard. She pulled herself up and ran as fast as she could to another tree.

The dark elf's head whipped around. He sniffed the air and smiled. "Well, well. An elf." He signaled to one of the soldiers and slipped into the shadows to watch for the elf he smelled. She was upwind, and he could still smell her...He smiled. Few elves knew the abilities one gained when one joined forces with the 'evil' gods. He quietly slipped around until he could see the tree she was behind, and saw her directly in front of him, looking at the camp. He laughed softly from behind her. "Well, well, decided to join us for dinner, have you?"

The hair on Eleni's neck stood up straight as the voice she heard only moments before this rang in her ears. Turning slowly, she came eye to eye with a friend of hers... or he was until she found out about his alliance with the 'evil' gods.

"Elizios Grasshorn. So nice to see you again. I see you stil have that scar..." Eleni knew she struck a nerve with that last line.

"My name is NOT Elizios Grasshorn! I have been known as Aranoth Gorentrae for the last hundred years. Have you not known of that name that causes the people around here to cower in fear?"

"No, I'm sorry, but I only know of an evil goddess that can strike fear into a person's heart. Now, back to the fight from years ago... the one that left you with the fun scar."

"I think it was a cheap shot you dealt me. Without magic, you are nothing, Eleni Swiftwater."

"Let us test it then." Elizios, now known as Aranoth, stepped forward. Eleni herself stepped forward as well. Determined to prove him wrong, Eleni forced herself forward even move, working to throw a punch at him. What happened next surprised her.

Aranoth twisted aside with lightning speed, grabbing her arm. He placed his blade at her throat. "You have not been training enough, old friend. Human reflexes are slow, and practicing with them dulls your own." Releasing her, he stepped back. "I believe my point has been proven, no?" He gave her a vicious smile, much like the one he had shown the thief only miutes before.

"Really, I would have never known." Eleni countered. Standing back up, she considered her options. Stand and fight Aranoth, possibly to the death, or run away, and find a way to help her friends. She considered the latter.

"Eleni Swiftwater, you will never free your friends now. Now that I know that one of the best is trying to help, security will be much tighter."

Turning and running as fast as her feet could, she could hear his voice once again.

"Goodbye Eleni."

Lienae Characters

The World of Lienae

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2005-08-11 [aellie]: Do what exactly??

2005-08-15 [Windstar]: *evil grin* Knock both of them out, kidnap them both with the evil guys, and leave you to do some rescuing.

2005-08-15 [Windstar]: On the other hand, knowing Fox, she'd probably love the idea...but she'd be back by the time I got around to it anyway, it's gonna have to wait until I get to college Sunday, probably, because I have major packing up of all my belongings until wednes and then on Friday we leave...

2005-08-15 [aellie]: Leave me to do the rescuing?! wHAT?! I'VE NEVER BEEN ALONE!

2005-08-15 [Windstar]: *evil grin* Your character has. Take a look at your profile again.

2005-08-15 [aellie]: I know, but I've never had to do like a fun little monolouge or something, I've always had Karen or Arin with me... So, this would definitely be different

2005-08-15 [Windstar]: LOL, in a rescue attempt there'd be plenty of NPC action and description of the area, so it wouldn't be by yourself, either Avoral or I would be doing dungeonmaster stuff.

2005-08-15 [aellie]: okay, coolidge

2005-08-23 [sugar_crazy_Fox]: I'm BACK!!!! >.< WHEE!!! ^_^

2005-08-23 [sugar_crazy_Fox]: Now we can do something! sorry about leaving right when we were ready to get things going again. ^_^;

2005-08-24 [aellie]: Yeah, yeah, yeah! I've been so bored and now I can have fun making up junk! WOO! YAY ME!

2005-08-24 [sugar_crazy_Fox]: WOO! Yay YOU!! ^_^ making up junk is fun. YEAH!!

2005-08-25 [Windstar]: *finally gets internet connected at college, looks at schedule* Ok, I have a little time now, I don't know how much I'll have later...Fox, you ok with being kidnapped by the bad guys? Otherwise I can arrange them to forget you or something...

2005-08-25 [sugar_crazy_Fox]: kidnapped is a ok! ^_^ that way I can kick their butts later. BWAHAHAHA. no really, it'll be fun. ^_^

2005-08-26 [Windstar]: OK, starting new scene. *evil grin*

2005-08-26 [sugar_crazy_Fox]: YES! MY TURN!

2005-08-26 [sugar_crazy_Fox]: I can make the soldier guys do stuff in a fight, right? Small stuff I mean, like "the guy turned around" is ok? I'll just post what I'm gonna write and you tell me if it's any good!

2005-08-26 [Windstar]: Very well, this time, but there's no way you can avoid fourteen arrows at once.

2005-08-26 [Windstar]: Especially since some would be coming from behind.

2005-08-26 [Windstar]: Wow, I'm actually having fun with this evil stuff...

2005-08-27 [sugar_crazy_Fox]: O.O yes. you're evil

2005-08-27 [sugar_crazy_Fox]: T_T at least I went down with a fight! ^_^

2005-08-27 [Windstar]: Yep. Just think - at least things are going to get interesting now. I'm going to message aellie, I have no doubt she'll want to add something to this.

2005-08-27 [sugar_crazy_Fox]: ^_^ I'm sure she will. It's fun to get things going again! It might just be because the main group has so many people that are working in the same scene.

2005-08-28 [sugar_crazy_Fox]: hmm...where is everyone...?

2005-08-28 [Windstar]: Waiting for Aellie. She said she'd show up today. I'm going to bechecking here regularly...but I intend to spend most of today drawing and trying to find a scanner...

2005-08-28 [sugar_crazy_Fox]: ^_^ yay! I did a cute pic of arin. I'll put it on her page. SHE BLINKS! ^_^ never tried to do blinking pictures before...I hope it's ok! ^_^

2005-08-28 [Windstar]: Cool! *goes to look*

2005-08-28 [Windstar]: *Has looked* Kewl!

2005-08-28 [aellie]: Hey, can the elf guy be a real-taken -over-by-someone character? That would be so cool, and I'm sure someone would want to be an evil elf!

2005-08-28 [Windstar]: LOL, like any of the NPC's, people can request a profile and a chance to play them *points to top paracgraph*, so if anyone requests it, sure. But the more immediate player need is for Karen.

2005-08-28 [aellie]: Hey, I made it so that Eleni gave the dark elf the scar...

2005-08-28 [aellie]: But she can't fight him. He needs an important name, as does this mistress person so that I can get a better grip on what's going on. I also need a good reason for why Eleni really can't fight him, maybe she lost the battle before, maybe he was old family or something, but I gotta do something...

2005-08-28 [Windstar]: You haven't figured it out yet? Their 'Mistress' is the evil goddess Mirala. And yes, names are coming up...He could always be your cousin who went evil...

2005-08-28 [sugar_crazy_Fox]: I guessed who the lady was! ^_^ The story is getting so interesting, I'm excited! ^_^

2005-08-28 [sugar_crazy_Fox]: ^_^ Thanks Windstar for the complement! ^_^

2005-08-28 [Windstar]: Welcome!

2005-08-28 [aellie]: But wait... aren't you gonna tell me? I NEED TO KNOW! lol, srry, I don't want to have to guess, (cuz for me it hard, okay?!) and because I can't keep going calling him 'the swordsman'. Could she at least remember a last name? A nickname? Anything?

2005-08-28 [Windstar]: Nickname: Darkling. Full name: Elizios Grasshorn, although he's changed it now, wanting to deny his family.

2005-08-28 [sugar_crazy_Fox]: ooohhh...Grasshorn...right...what a name...^O^ sorry, it just makes me laugh. I love the word Darkling though. In this book I read they were these cute little black blob creatures! ^_^ ccuuutttee!! ^_^

2005-08-28 [sugar_crazy_Fox]: or we could call him 'man with big shiny stick that hurts people'. ^-^ hehehehe. jk...

2005-08-28 [Windstar]: LOL. Still, Grasshorn, NOT a name a dark elf would want, perhaps dislike of the name was part of what drove him to become evil...*shifty eyes*

2005-08-29 [sugar_crazy_Fox]: O.o that's some name... my last name's sorta naturey too, but I like it. it does NOT drive me to do evil. I do that on my own. lolz. jk

2005-08-29 [aellie]: Okay, thank you! MWUAH! I LOVES YOU ALL!

2005-08-29 [Avoral]: Oh, yay. I'm caught up to speed now. *Just now read it, having dreaded the pile-up of reading that actually never came* Coolness. I shall post when I get the chance. ^_^

2005-08-29 [Windstar]: Actually, Avoral, you can do yours, and it'll wrap up the chapter, and I can set this in archives and we can have the next one for the kipnap-ees and-ers.

2005-08-30 [sugar_crazy_Fox]: ees and ers? lolz. that's funny! ^_^

2005-08-30 [sugar_crazy_Fox]: we've done so many chapters, it's like, WOW! O.O

2005-08-30 [Windstar]: LOL. Imagine: When this plotline is done, if you guys all agree, II might want to clean it up and try to get a publisher to print it. It's all original, after all. Whaddya think? The writing quality's been high enough.

2005-08-30 [sugar_crazy_Fox]: O.O That would be awesome! ^_^

2005-08-31 [Windstar]: The major disadvantage is we'd all have to give up our internet anonymity, since the 'authors' would somewhere have to list all our real names. I was thinking in the Author's Note, we could each write a section...I could introduce how it all got started, and the fact it started out as an rp, then everyone could write about how they got involved etc...But it's a LONG way to go. We have between 20 and 50 chapters left, I'd guess, depending on how you guys rp.

2005-08-31 [sugar_crazy_Fox]: ^_^ yeah, and sometimes we go slow.

2005-08-31 [sugar_crazy_Fox]: that was a scary wow...gross... O.o

2005-09-03 [sugar_crazy_Fox]: that's the end of the chapter, right?

2005-09-05 [Avoral]: Ionno. It's up to [Windstar]! ^_^

2005-09-05 [Avoral]: Oh, and thank you. *Nods* I can play evil just as easily as good.

2005-09-05 [sugar_crazy_Fox]: evil too well I think...scared the buhjeezes out of me

2005-09-05 [Avoral]: Ooh. You should see me when I get going. Hehe. (Stay far away from my character Avoral.)

2005-09-05 [Windstar]: Yes, but it may be a little while before I transfer it - my comp's being funky.

2005-09-05 [sugar_crazy_Fox]: I will gladly take that advice. lolz. jking. I'll probably forget and my character will die before you know it. ^-^;

2005-09-05 [sugar_crazy_Fox]: that's ok windstar, computers do that occasionaly. they just always do it at inconvenient times (at least for me) ^_^;

2005-09-05 [Avoral]: Yeah, we're all patient enough here. ^_^

2005-09-05 [Avoral]: Ever played a bad guy before, Sugar?

2005-09-05 [sugar_crazy_Fox]: um....I've never done an rp before...^_^;

2005-09-05 [Avoral]: Oh, really? Who are you playing here?

2005-09-05 [sugar_crazy_Fox]: Arin Chovsen, the theif

2005-09-05 [Avoral]: Oh! Then you're doing wonderfully for a first-timer.

2005-09-05 [sugar_crazy_Fox]: ^_^ thank you! How many rp's have you done?

2005-09-05 [Avoral]: My fair share, we'll say. ^_^ Check my diary for my main one.

2005-09-05 [sugar_crazy_Fox]: oh. ok. ^_^

2005-09-05 [sugar_crazy_Fox]: O.O that's a LOT of text. O.O

2005-09-06 [Avoral]: Why thank you. *Beams*

2005-09-07 [sugar_crazy_Fox]: your welcome! ^_^

2005-09-25 [sugar_crazy_Fox]: we need to do something...we haven't done anything in a while. *crashes into wall with impatience*

2005-09-25 [sugar_crazy_Fox]: T_T When are we going to start rping again?

2005-09-25 [Windstar]: Ack! *apologizes* Transferring now. I will do an NPC of Mirala receiving the skull, then we can go to Arin and Karen and their captors, along with Eleni trailing behind. Then Lord Nexastrian(sp?), Hartcord, and Dove. Seperately of course, and perhaps not all in this chapter, but...

2005-09-26 [sugar_crazy_Fox]: we're doing something! ^_^ yay!

2005-09-26 [Windstar]: Yep! And it's your turn. And mine, since we don't have a Karen and I'm playing the captors. But you get to start the scene since I have writer's block. Say...that evening, after being semi-dragged along bound, they're setting up camp having tied you to a tree. Magic prevention shield still in place.

2005-09-26 [sugar_crazy_Fox]: stupid shield

2005-09-26 [sugar_crazy_Fox]: bwahahahaha. I have updated! ^_^

2005-09-26 [Windstar]: Hmmm....*is evil*

2005-09-27 [Avoral]: Nice. ^_^

2005-09-27 [Windstar]: Thanks. *evil grin* I'll say it again, sometimes it's fun to play the bad guys.

2005-09-27 [sugar_crazy_Fox]: eevvvviiillll.....

2005-09-27 [sugar_crazy_Fox]: bwahahaha. I remember in the descriptions that she was supposed to have big breasts, so I made them get in the way of escaping. lol. I was cracking up when I wrote it. ^0^

2005-09-27 [Windstar]: LOL. Just don't flaunt them too much - I want to keep this pg thirteen.

2005-09-27 [Avoral]: *LMFAO!* That's awesome.

2005-09-27 [Windstar]: Which?

2005-09-27 [Windstar]: *is working on the map of Lienae for the guild on gaia* Of course, things have changed somewhat in the couple of thousand years since these events. Eleni, you've got a forest named after you! The 'Eleni Woods'

2005-09-28 [sugar_crazy_Fox]: that's it for the big boobs stuff. It was just, I'd been thinking about how in action movies girls with big breasts somehow manage to avoid them getting in the way! ^_^;

2005-09-28 [sugar_crazy_Fox]: Eleni is so lucky! *kills her* I hereby rename this forest 'Fox Forest' in respect to the lately departed. lolz

2005-09-28 [aellie]: HEY! I'm right here!! Eleni can't die! And that's cool info Windstar

2005-09-28 [sugar_crazy_Fox]: hmph fine. *performs cerimonial rites to raise the dead* Eleni is alive again. There. Are you happy now? hmph. lolz ^o^

2005-09-29 [Windstar]: LOL. Probably all of you will end up with things named after you since you're 'legendary figures' in the time of the guild. Legends which most people don't bellieve, btw.

2005-09-30 [sugar_crazy_Fox]: O.o you're right! wow....that's sort of cool...

2005-09-30 [Windstar]: LOL.

2005-09-30 [Windstar]: You mean you hadn't realized that?

2005-10-01 [sugar_crazy_Fox]: OF course I a very subconciencious sort of way...

2005-10-01 [Windstar]: LOL.

2005-10-01 [sugar_crazy_Fox]: ^_^

2005-10-01 [Windstar]: Ok, Eleni, followed by Nexastrien, then Hartcord.

2005-10-02 [sugar_crazy_Fox]: Their turn now? (nothing more was really happening...) ^_^;

2005-10-02 [Windstar]: Which is why it moved to them. Good scene stopping place.

2005-10-02 [Windstar]: Hey guys - one of the characters in the guild was old enough to just barely remember these events, so I sent them the story thus far to read for accuracy reasons. Their comment: 'I finally got the chance to read it all.. It is rather nice to read and I am looking forward on the next chapter...' Good job, guys!

2005-10-02 [sugar_crazy_Fox]: who? who's old enough?

2005-10-02 [Windstar]: One of the new characters who's a couple thousand years old and one of the last of her kind.

2005-10-03 [sugar_crazy_Fox]: O.o which user?

2005-10-03 [Windstar]: User: 14thClone. Character: Anaylen Caleal. Species: illindi.

2005-10-03 [sugar_crazy_Fox]: oohhh....sweetness.... ^_^

2005-10-05 [Avoral]: <3 <3 us

2005-10-06 [sugar_crazy_Fox]: ^_^ *meepers*

2005-10-06 [Windstar]: Avoral, you DO know you're up, right?

2005-10-06 [sugar_crazy_Fox]: he is? I had no idea. O.O

2005-10-06 [Windstar]: Oops. Your right. It's Eleni's. My bad.

2005-10-08 [aellie]: Oh seriously?? I am so sorry! I've been like really busy... hold on, I'll post...

2005-10-08 [Windstar]: Lol, it's ok.

2005-10-08 [Windstar]: *is evil*

2005-10-08 [aellie]: Damn! I dunno what to do now! I don't know if I should let her get caught after a small fight or what! I know nothing about this evil elf guy...

2005-10-08 [Windstar]: about you two used to be friends as well as cousins, and the fight where you gave him the scar was when you discovered he had started serving the evil gods? And no, I intend to keep you loose for plot reasons - SOME-ones gotta rescue the other two eventually. I believe I gave you his name earlier in the comments, don't remember it though - if I didn't I'll come up with a new one.

2005-10-08 [aellie]: Okay, cuz I don't remember his name either....

2005-10-09 [Windstar]: *hunts it down* His original name was Elizios Grasshorn, but he changed it because that's not a name any dark elf would want - but that's what Eleni would know him as. He now goes by Aranoth Gorentrae.

2005-10-09 [aellie]: Okay, THANKS!

2005-10-09 [Windstar]: Welcome.

2005-10-09 [aellie]: Hey Windstar... I did some of Elizios/Aranoth's part... just so people would be able to understand what's going on... you can decide what happens after Eleni tries to hit him...

2005-10-10 [Windstar]: ok ^^

2005-10-10 [aellie]: That guy is scary, man! Okay, well I guess she's gonna have to run away, I mean, he did just let her

2005-10-10 [sugar_crazy_Fox]: maybe he secretly loves her...O.O

2005-10-10 [sugar_crazy_Fox]: and is letting her go cause he doesn't REALLY want to hurt her

2005-10-10 [sugar_crazy_Fox]: AWW!! ^_^ that would be so cute! ^_^

2005-10-10 [aellie]: That would be.. but then factor in his Master or Mistress and about the whole incident where she fought him and all that other junk... then you have one really pissed off guy... I wouldn't really blame him!

2005-10-10 [aellie]: OOh, cut off ending. If Windstar wants to add a new section, I can make it so that Eleni knows where the girls are being taken. She finds out when she pilfered a map off of Aranoth when he had ahold of her. Then with that knowledge, she can get a head start on the place they are headed. Only problem, I don't know much about this evil person. Is it Mirala? Cuz if it is, I need to do some research on her, find out what her castle looks like and

2005-10-10 [Windstar]: Castle? She's a goddess!

2005-10-10 [Windstar]: LOL, no we can go to the next scene. Avoral's up.

2005-10-10 [aellie]: oh... then where does she live? o.O??

2005-10-11 [Windstar]: Who?

2005-10-11 [sugar_crazy_Fox]: Mirala. duh. ^_^

2005-10-11 [aellie]: yeah! Mirala... the godde- evil goddess...

2005-10-11 [Windstar]: .....In the gods' plane of existence...I kinda mentioned at the beginning of this chapter that she has to actively create a physical form.

2005-10-11 [aellie]: damn, now I dunno what I'm gonna do!

2005-10-12 [Windstar]: You could always hunt down one of her few remaining temples.

2005-10-12 [sugar_crazy_Fox]: yeah. they can't just sacrifice me and karen in the middle of no where.............right? Guys? Hey! Why won't you guys say anything? GUYS?! O.O

2005-10-12 [sugar_crazy_Fox]: I DUN WANNA DAI!! ^_^; lolz. gotta luv ma spell'n

2005-10-12 [Windstar]: LOL.

2005-10-12 [aellie]: 0kay, will

2005-10-12 [sugar_crazy_Fox]: lolz. ^_^ I just had a brownie. mmmmm....brownies! ^_^

2005-10-12 [Windstar]: LOL. Yes, brownies be good.

2005-10-13 [sugar_crazy_Fox]: ^<>^ mmmm.... <3

2005-11-02 [aellie]: Wow, everytrhing just kinda slowed to a dramatic stop in the story, huh?

2005-11-03 [sugar_crazy_Fox]: hmmm...yeah! ^_^ lolz. it'll pick up again.....eventually...

2005-11-04 [aellie]: I think we need a karen to get it going again...

2005-11-04 [Windstar]: Well, she could always stay unconscious for a while longer..or I could temporarily enact her...*is a tad annoyed at Avoral for not showing up....* Ok, Pnelma's character or Dove can go next, whichever gets here first.

2005-11-05 [aellie]: okietay

2005-11-06 [sugar_crazy_Fox]: ^_^ let's get it started in here...again...^_^

2005-11-07 [aellie]: Can you believe some little girl figured out my password and changed it?! I was so fuming that there was fire blastinbg out of my mouth! I blamed it on my sister when it was my sister's best friend.

2005-11-07 [Windstar]: EEEVIIILL little people.....evil I tell you...

2005-11-07 [aellie]: yes! They are so evil, and they need to be exterminated! lol, but it's okay, already go to her...

2005-11-12 [sugar_crazy_Fox]: O.O why would she want to do that? how old was she? O.O

2005-11-14 [aellie]: She's only 11, and she thought that I got on her name and changed her password, so she used my name to get back at me!

2005-11-16 [sugar_crazy_Fox]: ...that's really funny... ha..haha...I'm not laughing, really...XD lolz. jk.

2005-11-17 [aellie]: Yeah, it's sad... so I changed my password to my student number... no one will figure that out...

2005-11-21 [sugar_crazy_Fox]: lolz. well, unless they stalk you and know everything about you. Then it would be a simple matter! ^_^ lolz

2005-11-21 [aellie]: GEEZ! I didn't even think of that! Oh no!!! I HAVE A STALKER!!

2005-11-22 [Windstar]: LOL.

2005-11-22 [Windstar]: *pokes rp'ing* Ok, ANYONE except the 'main group' who shows up can go next...*rubs temples* Too....much.....studying.......

2005-11-22 [sugar_crazy_Fox]: poor windstar...just don't let it burn your brain out! And make sure to get some sleep! (I think I'm saying that to myself as much as you ^_^;)  I'd rp except I'm in the main group...lolz...let's make aellie go...lolz ^_^

2005-11-22 [Windstar]: She's part of the 'main group' too...and she just went.

2005-11-22 [aellie]: Geez fox!! I did go, but we reallyneed theother people to be active! Why don't we make sugar_crazy_fox go?? ^_^! LOl

2005-11-22 [Windstar]: I just wish I knew why the others disappeared...

2005-11-23 [aellie]: yeah... same here.. and of course, they probably wont be back for a while because of the holidays...

2005-11-23 [Windstar]: *frown* I caight Avoral online, and sent him a message....just as he logged off....

2005-11-23 [Windstar]: LOL, Me? I'm going to have a boring Thanksgiving. Well, not exactly boring, but...sitting here in my dorm room, eating pickles, pizza-based frozen snacks, ruffles, and danish cookies instead of a proper Thanksgiving meal, and doing stuff online.

2005-11-26 [sugar_crazy_Fox]: that's some thanksgiving...-_-

2005-11-26 [sugar_crazy_Fox]: sorry aellie, I guess I forgot which character you are...hehehehehe. ^_^;

2005-11-26 [Windstar]: Eh, I got phone calls from various family members, so it wasn't TOO bad. And yesterday I got my password so I can do my webcomic! ...If I can figure out how to operate the website...-.-()

2005-11-28 [sugar_crazy_Fox]: yay. where did you end up hosting it?

2005-11-29 [Windstar]: Having trouble figuring some of it out though. Like how to do sideppanels with links.

2005-11-30 [sugar_crazy_Fox]: are you using html?

2005-11-30 [Windstar]: Sorta, some of it's html and some of it's other stuff unique to keenspace.

2005-12-01 [sugar_crazy_Fox]: oohhh...I see I see ^_^ I mostly do html...did you try making a table to put the links in?

2005-12-01 [Windstar]: Heh? How do you do that? Not that it matters - I've seen warnings not to do that. ^^ I'll probably ask some of the other webcomic artists about it, when it gets necessary.

2005-12-04 [sugar_crazy_Fox]: oohhh...tables are easy, but if it says not too, then don't. lolz.

2005-12-05 [Windstar]: BTW, guys, aparrently [Pnelma Tirian] is leaving we lose yet another player.

2005-12-05 [aellie]: Bummer! That sux monkey butt!

2005-12-06 [sugar_crazy_Fox]: T_T NOOOOOO!!!!! another lost? We must find some more! In the mean time, lets make Windstar do it for us. kukukukukukuku

2005-12-07 [Pnelma Tirian]: psssh. yeah, once I figure out HOW to. this whole "quitting" thing is a lot harder with an addiction. >.<

2005-12-07 [Windstar]: You could always cut up the internet cable. Disconnected. So you don't shock yourself.

2005-12-07 [aellie]: lol, I'm totally addicted too, so I understand your pain!

2005-12-08 [sugar_crazy_Fox]: why leave if you don't want to? T_T

2005-12-08 [Pnelma Tirian]: I DO want to leave. it's addictive, and it is a bad force in my life and it consumes all of my time--time that could be used doing homework or practicing my bass guitar or my cello(which is sorely in need of practice). Or writing my stories. You must understand: I love roleplaying with you guys. I really do. I love all of my rp groups on here. But I can't love you enough to let my life slip away from me anymore.

2005-12-08 [sugar_crazy_Fox]: of course, I understand. In that case, why not take a break until the summer or something? Forget it, but don't loose all that you've lost by deleting the account. Get a friend to change the password for you so you can't log on until they tell you what it is. (have them write it down)

2006-03-03 [Windstar]: That makes sense.

2006-04-25 [Windstar]: *mutters* We REALLY need more players. Come this summer, when I have more time, I have a few friends on Gaia who might just be interested in this.

2006-04-25 [Windstar]: *suddenly realizes this wiki has existed for at least two years* Wow. It's been that long? The last summer that I went to California was the summer before last, and I remember Lienae was around at the time because I had to arrange for Avoral to watch over things while I was gone...

2006-04-27 [Avoral]: SUMMER. I have time again soon. <33333333333333

2006-04-27 [Windstar]: Yay! You're back! I don't suppose you could do a section with your character? A nice, long one so I have an excuse to end the chapter and start a new one so certain bored people can be happy? Namely the players for Eleni and Arin. Our new Karen is trying to escape the talons of the story...Keeps saying he's 'not good enough'.

2006-04-28 [Avoral]: *Just read back* I miss this RP. Yeah, I'll post. <3 Nice and long may take a bit, as I've got to get to work soon, but shank me periodically to make me remember--That's the rule with me, as I've had a baby duck whose memory span outlasted mine.

2006-04-28 [Windstar]: LOL, k. At least one message a week, possibly one a day, until it's done then ^_^

2006-04-28 [Avoral]: Day.

2006-04-28 [Windstar]: Day, then ^_^

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